Beyond prim and proper: Grade 11 Talk on Social Graces

By : Cha Lavastida, 11-3

June 5, 2023


The Grade 11 students attended school on the morning of November 19, 2022 to hear the talk of Ms. Miselle Bergonia on social graces. Being an Old Girl and the current VP for certification for the Association of Image Consultants International (AICI), she has continuously been the go-to speaker on this relevant topic for the past Grade 11 batches.


During her speech, Ms. Bergonia emphasized how etiquette is more than just knowing the right way to sit or which utensils to use. Rather, it’s a life skill that boosts confidence and improves peer relationships. She went on to give tips on preparing oneself before an event, what type of walk and posture exudes confidence, as well as table manners in formal dining. In between lessons, Padlet links were deployed to encourage participation from the students.

The event itself served as a significant part of the preparation for the long-awaited annual Benefit Dinner, which will finally be onsite after two years. At the end of the talk, the Juniors walked out of the MPB with the proper knowledge of how to present themselves as sophisticated and poised. With this newfound confidence, the students are hopefully now able to fully embody the values of a true woman of faith and action.